2025 LMA Scholarship Application Now Open
The Livestock Marketing Association scholarship program was launched in 2023. The purpose of this program is to provide a one-time scholarship to qualified applicants who are interested in or display knowledge or understanding of the importance of the agriculture industry and its supporting entities, as well as plan to use their career to advocate for the advancement of the livestock marketing industry.
Now in its third year, the program has been expanded. Applicants must be a graduating high school senior and/or currently enrolled at an accredited post-secondary institution (i.e. trade school, community college, junior college, university, veterinary science, veterinary medicine or law) in the year of the award.
Following the deadline, scholarship applications will be reviewed by a panel of allied-industry, LMA leadership and/or LMA membership not sponsoring or related to applicants at time of application. Up to nine (9) post-secondary applicants will receive a $2500 one-time scholarship.
The contact information and signature of an active LMA member endorsing the applicant must be submitted at the time of application. LMA members may not endorse more than two (2) applicants for the scholarship in the same academic year.
Please note that auction school is not a currently accepted institution for this application. There will be a separate scholarship application for those wishing to attend auction school.
Please view the application for more information below.
If you have any questions about the LMA Scholarship Program, please contact our office at lmainfo@lmaweb.com.
2025 LMA Scholarship Application
LMA Auctioneer School Scholarship
The LMA Auctioneer School Scholarship provides a one-time scholarship to qualified applicants who intend to attend auction school, display knowledge or understanding of the importance of the livestock marketing industry, and plan to use their training to support the auction method of marketing livestock.
Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 25, demonstrate knowledge or understanding of the importance of the livestock marketing industry through their essay response, and be endorsed by an active LMA member.
This scholarship will open later this year.

Unionville, Missouri
Sponsored by Unionville Livestock Market, Inc.